By Eleyitope Linus ARANNILEWA

“These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh.” Colossians 2:23 NKJV‬‬

I have had my own fair experience of WHAT I ORDERED VS WHAT I GOT scenarios.
The most recent one was a portable washer that I saw advertised online.
I ordered for one and discovered that it was a ruse. Buyers need to be aware – most things don’t work as precisely as the advertisers make them look.

That reminds me of my contact with an online group that offers free counsel on printing and related matters.
They gave several useful hints to consider before you buy a machine.
As a rule of thumb, you are advised against buying anything off eBay without sighting it first.
They add that on inspection visit, it is important to go with engineers to check the various parts.

Furthermore, they encourage you to take a good look at the working environment in which the machine is kept. The underlying assumption here is this: if the owner could maintain a clean environment, the same diligence must have been exercised in the maintenance of the machine itself.

Well, I wish we can say this in spiritual matters. Looking good on the outside does not always translate to a good spiritual condition.
The outside could be very deceptive.
God looks inward because the outside could be nothing more than a ruse. This is not to encourage us to neglect the body.

Failure to take care of the body is not spirituality. This is the point being stressed to the Colossians who thought spirituality is equal to punishment of the body.

Our body is the Temple of God and it ought to be treated with a high degree of courtesy.

The body is also the instrument given to us by God to enable us fulfil our divine mandate. There is a level of self-care that is not only reasonable but expected. If the body breaks down the mandate will definitely suffer.

Further Study: Joshua 14:6-12

Prayer: Holy Spirit, quicken my body to fulfil my mandate.

Good Morning God’s Holy People.
Grace and Peace to You

MORNING DEW, Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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