Dental College debunks allegations against rector, bursar, others

* Blames individuals traumatised by inability to cope with change

By Nudoiba Ojen

The Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu, Enugu State has debunked allegations of malfeasance against the Rector of the institution, Prof. John Emaimo; Bursar, Mrs Felicia Egbeh and some other members of staff.

The institution stated, “Our attention has been drawn to misleading publications online by Corenews and Daily news, alleging fraud, nepotism, job racketeering, diversion of resources and manipulation of funds and data against the Rector, Bursar, and some other members of staff”.

The Public Relations Officer of the institution, Omololu Philip Ogunmade, urged the public “to discountenance the allegations as mere views of individuals who are only traumatised by their inability to cope with change”.

Ogunmade, in a statement in Enugu on Friday titled, ‘Blackmailers are at it again’, said that the allegations were not new, disclosing that there were ongoing investigations to smoke out those feeding the public with falsehood and promptly bring them to book.

He said, “In July, when these allegations were last made, the Rector held several meetings with deans of faculties, directors, heads of departments and units where he laid all issues bare and at the end of the meetings, he was given a clean bill. There was nobody who could point accusing fingers at him.

“It is therefore ridiculous that certain individuals who could not stand up at the time to substantiate their allegations have returned to their familiar trend of character assassination again,” the PRO said.

Ogunmade said, “We invite any interested party to visit the Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu and see a big difference when compared with the state of the school at the time Prof. Emaimo took over as the Rector.

“Athough we have no intention of dignifying those behind this smear campaign with any response, but for the sake of those who may be misled by their campaign of calumny, we just want to state in clear terms that:

“There was never anything like nepotism and job racketeering. It is only the figment of imagination of those behind it. Recruitment done in 2020 followed due process as applicants applied from different parts of the country and employment was done on merit.

“We are not aware that IPPIS can be manipulated. Promotion arrears are paid as at when approved and due, since the College doesn’t run on personnel vote. All federal civil servants’ allowances are unilaterally administered by IPPIS as appropriate and applicable.

“The College is yearly audited through periodic checks by the Office of the Auditor-General of the Federation, Office of the Accountant General of the Federation, Federal Inland Revenue Service, Federal Ministry of Finance and Budget Office of the Federation, Federal Ministry of Health and other related agencies and evidences of due transactions are verifiable there.

“The good members of the public and college community are hereby advised to continue to repose their confidence in the College,” Ogunmade stated.

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