By Eleyitope Linus ARANNILEWA

“But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭14‬:‭30‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

PETER’S curiosity got a hold of him when he saw Jesus walk on the water. He also tried to press his faith when he sought leave of the Master to join Him to walk on the water.
He must have been elated to see himself take gingerly steps on the water.

However, that excitement soon gave way to panic when he saw the wind blowing with all venom.
It is interesting that the wind had been blowing all along; it was his focus on the Master that minimized its effect.

His trouble started when he took his focus off of the Master and looked at the wind instead. This is a great lesson for us, that where we look determines what we see.

Another important lesson is the limit of our expertise. It is incontestable that Peter had the knowledge of the sea and could swim. However, on that night when he began to sink, he could only call out to Jesus for rescue. This goes to show that moments may come upon us when all learning or expertise we can boast of will not be enough to save us.

On that day, Peter’s skill failed him. Maybe the panic of the moment did not even let him remember that he knew how to swim. The point is this: we will all need God sooner than later. This has nothing to do with whether we are rich or poor, learned or unlearned. It is simply an expression of the fact that we are made to need God. Attempting to carry on without God in this life is like fish trying to survive out of water.

Further Study: Psalm 72:1-12

Prayer: Lord, I make You the source of my strength and confidence; keep me from stumbling.

Good Morning God’s Holy People.
Happy Sunday to You.

MORNING DEW Sunday, August 25, 2024

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