I caught my wife redhanded in hotel with lover, man tells court

By Nudoiba Ojen

A man, Alaba, is praying a Grade A Customary Court, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State, to dissolve his nine-year-old marriage with his wife, Bisi, on accounts of extra marital activity by the latter.

Alaba told the court that he caught his wife in a hotel with another man, adding that the woman refused to change and was still seeing the lover even after their family members intervened in their differences after he sent her packing.

The husband told the court his life was no longer safe with his wife as he pleaded with the court to end their relationship.

Alaba said, “My wife and I met in 2016. I impregnated her while we were dating, and she moved in with me.

“I treated my wife fair and good. I did all in my power to make her happy and meet all her needs, but she betrayed the trust I had in her by engaging in extramarital affairs.

Bisi started fixing dates with a particular man who is her lover. My wife would starve and abandon our children at home and would go out with this man.

“The stories of her escapades got into my ear, but she denied it all when I confronted her. I once caught her discussing with her lover in his car, but she denied ever having any intimate relationship with him.

“I was informed of a particular hotel she constantly visited with her lover, and I trailed her to the place. There my wife was with her lover enjoying each other’s company. I told her to go back to where she was coming from when she eventually returned home.

“Things fell apart between us since then, and I refused to give her my attention. She moved out of my house to her parents’ late 2021. She was there for months, but our parents later intervened in our differences, and she returned to my house.

“I agreed to reconciliation because I believed she had turned a new leaf, but the reverse was the case. My wife returned to her vomit a few months after she moved back to my house. She continued her illicit affair with her lover.

“I was in a rage the day I discovered this and ordered her out of my house. She left with our children.

“My lord, l do not want to have anything doing with my wife any more. She can kill, and I do not want my life to be cut short. I, therefore, plead with this honourable court to end our marriage.”

The wife, Bisi, was, however, absent in court despite being served court summonses.

The court president, Mrs S.M Akintayo, adjourned the case till March 18 and ordered that a fresh hearing notice be issued and served the defendant.

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