PHOTOS: Celebration of worthy life as Ogunmades bury late patriarch

By Nudoiba Ojen

The Ogunmade Idebi Family of Ode Aye, Okitipupa Local Government area of Ondo State on April 26th and 27th celebrated the life and times of their patriarch, the late Pa Amos Oyesanya Ogunmade, who breathed his last on January 17, 2024 at the age of 93.

Friends, associates and well-wishers from far and near thronged to Ode Aye to be part of the celebrations and to pay last respect to the Christian and community leader and as well a man of multiple engagements – craftsman, civil servant, successful farmer and businessman.

As glowing tributes were paid to the memories of the late Pa Ogunmade, the fact that he was a man of integrity and a disciplinarian who impacted discipline and moral values on his children were recurrent.

From what he meant to the children, the late Pa Ogunmade could be seen from different perspectives. While the eldest daughter, Mrs Fola Akinlonu, described the late dad as “epitome of discipline, a man of diverse passion and a remarkable leader”, the eldest son, Soji Ogunmade, said his father was “a rare and humble father to a fault. I will not forget your humorous expression – ‘o wonderful me'”.

For Mrs Funke Helen Dada, her late dad was “a father in a million”, while Mrs Oyin Mewojuaye in an address to the late father, said, “Your memory will linger forever” just as Mrs Ajibola Fadayomi described her father as “A true family man”.

Also, Barrister Felix Ogunmade described his late father as “A man of courage, ever self-contented”. To Philip Omololu Ogunmade, his late dad was “unique, industrious and illustrious”, while Ajisafe reflected on dad’s life and described him as “a celebrated preacher” just as Mrs Roseline Abimbola Adedayo said, “Losing you as a father has left an irreplaceable void in my heart, but I find solace in the memories I shared with you”.

One of the late patriarch’s children, Philip Omololu Ogunmade, a frontline journalist, in his father’s biography that he read at the funeral service, stated, “Baba will fondly be remembered for his sense of humour, large heart and willingness to give a helping hand to whoever he could.

“Rich in tradition, history and moral values, he was a philosopher of sort who created several intellectually crafted proverbs in Ikale dialect by which he encouraged himself and guided his children and other willing individuals to navigate difficult life circumstances.

“He was also a prophet of sort who predicted situations including his own death. Thus, shortly before breathing his last, he told the people around him emphatically on that fateful day, “Omokunrun n lo niyen o” meaning “man is departing this world”. Moments after making the statement three times, he breathed his last”.

In his sermon at the funeral service at Wesley Methodist Church, Ode Aye, the Presbyter/Minister in Charge, the Very Revd T.O. Kehinde, said the late Pa Amos lived a life worthy of emulation”.

Revd Kehinde said, “Baba was a family head. He was trustworthy, honest, truthful and firm. For him, it is the truth and nothing else. He was hardworking and a man of peace – attributes that should be emulated.

The cleric, who said the late Pa Ogunmade wrote his story with his good deeds during his lifetime, charged the congregation, “Whatever you are doing today, you are writing the story of your life.

“Remember at all times that people will remember you one day for positive or negative things. It is better it is for positive as such will open doors for your children and relatives,” advising that what people would say after the death of any human depended on what they did while alive hence the need to do good, shun selfishness, greed, crimes, corruption and other vices.

In his condolence message to the family, former Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Senator Olorunnimbe Mamora, said, “Pa Ogunmade valued education, hence he ensured that his children had education within the limits of affordable funds.

“Pa Ogunmade lived a life of service to his community and would surely be missed by his family and community. While expressing my condolences to the family, I pray that God would grant Papa’s soul eternal repose. Amen”, the former Minister said.

Also, in his condolence message to the family, a journalist and former Presidential Spokesperson, Office of the Vice President, Laolu Akande, said, “Papa was honest man, full of integrity and the right scruples. We see the fruits of those virtues all around his life. To God be all the glory! It is not life itself that matters, but the imprints that will create the memories when the gift of life expires.

“So Pa Ogunmade had done so well not only by his belief in the Lord Jesus Christ, but also by doing God’s will, training up children who now continue the worship of the Almighty God and whose fruits are abiding. Let me now pray that our good Lord will comfort all the family starting with Papa’s children and the entire community. God will grant everyone the fortitude to bear the loss and the pain of Pa Ogunmade’s transition,” Akande prayed.

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